A Persecution Report: Christians Persecuted in Jaranwala Pakistan

Our hearts are crying while we are share this tragic news with you. On 16 August a blasphemy case was reported in police station and before any investigation after some time angry mobs started burning and vandalizing multiple churches and Christian Homes in different Christian colonies.

A few people announced in mosques on loud speakers to kill Christians and burn their churches and homes. Upon hearing this announcement Christians were terrified. They immediately left their homes and started running towards nearby fields. While they were hiding in fields, they had nothing to eat and they slept under open sky all night while in fear snakes and of being burnt alive by the mob.

While Christians were running for their lives within a few minutes around 21 churches were burned in nearby villages. 86Christian homes were completely burnt and almost 350 Christian homes werelooted and vandalized.

They no longer have any beds, clothes, food items, home appliances, Their basic utilities such as gas, electric meter and water lines have been damaged.Their bikes have been burnt and their money, jewelry has been stolen. Some people are only left with the clothes they are wearing they no longer own anything else.

This incident has not just caused financial loss but it has emotionally damaged the local Christian Community and International Christian Community.  It will take a lot of time to get out of such difficult situation but the scars of such incident will remain in our hearts.

Local Christians are thankful to God that their lives have been saved. They pray for the people who have vandalized their homes, properties and especially their churches. They ask God to give them wisdom so they stop hurting Christians.

Mumtaz Bibi is a widow she has 3 daughters and a son. She is the resident of Christian Colony Chamara Mandi. One fine morning while she was praying, she heard about the news that their church is under attack and soon homes of Christians will also be attacked. To save their lives she gathered her children and ran away towards fields. After spending sometime in fields, she moved to her relative’s home.

The next day she came and saw her home was damaged. When she saw the poor condition of her home and tragic scenes in the street, She was deeply depressed and started beating herself.

Her gas meter and electric meter were damaged, the home was vandalized as well. While crying she pointed towards thedamaged refrigerator and said, I have emotional attachment with this refrigerator. My husband after much hard work bought it for me. This is the first refrigerator that I own in my life.

She added, I am a poor widow, I do not have any income resource, I hardly provide for food how I can afford to repair my home or my appliances.

I am thankful to God that my children and I are safe. We pray for people who have vandalized our homes and church that May God bless them and give them wisdom and the spirit of love so they do not repeat their mistake. Amen!

Saima Bibi We all know how much we are attached with our homes even if the house is rented but we still get attached with it. It is a place of comfort for us. In home we rest, eat, pray, and spend quality time with loved ones. A home also allows us to pray freely and helps in developing strong personal relation with God. In addition, we also make a lot of pristine memories in our homes.

Saima does not have parents she is living with her brother. She was terrified when she heard the announcement about the burning churches homes and killing Christians. They also ran towards fields to save their lives. When she came back to see her home everything was burnt to ashes. While pointing towards her kitchen area she said, I used to cook meal here for my brother. She also pointed towards room where she used to pray. After watching this burnt house, she says her happy memories have been replaced with the tragic memories. She said, I pray, God give me comfort and I forget this incident so that I do not feel sad and depressed.

After everything is burnt, I only own the clothes I am wearing. I no longer have any clothes. She said, “Our churches are completely burned and bibles have also been damaged.”

She further added Matthew 5:10 “Blessed are they which are persecuted for righteousness’ sake: for theiris the kingdom of heaven.” This verse gives me comfort we are persecuted but our reward is great we will be in Heaven with Jesus Christ. Amen!

Nasar Masih is a resident of Christian Colony He is a recycler by profession. He has three sons and a daughter all of them are married. 4 months ago, Nasar celebrated the wedding of his youngest son.

Nasar and his three married sons live in the same house along with their wives and children. Their Brand-new bed and other house hold items have been burned to ashes. Someone told the angry mob that this recycling storage belongs to a Christian Person. The moment the mob heard this; the whole storage was burnt to ashes. It had a lot of plastic waste material that was stored later
to be recycled.

Nasaar and his three sons used to work in the storage now that it is burnt 4 of them are unemployed. Since it was the only income source for them and their families, they no longer have any income and they have nothing to eat.

Nasaar says, I am depressed to see the damage in our community. Our church is burnt and bibles are also burnt. We believe God will never forget us, He will take care of us after this tragic incident, He will change our loss with profit and he will continue to take care of us.

Nasaar and his family are thankful to God that they are safe and pray for the people who have burnt and vandalized their store (business place) and homes.

Nasreen Bibi is a resident of Nai Abadi Chak # 126. She is a widow of Shakeel Masih, two years ago she lost her husband. During this tragic incident Nasreen Bibi along with her daughter and daughter in law hid themselves in a washroom. While her home was about to be vandalized, a Muslim lady removed them from her home and shifted them to her home for their safety.

After a while that the Muslim lady’s sons came home, they themselves were part of the mob so they asked her mother to throw them out of the home. She refused saying, these Christian ladies are also her daughters and she will never throw them outside.

Once things were less heated and the mob was gone, the Muslim family moved them out considering their presence can be fatal for them as well. If they are found in their home,other Muslims will consider them as traitors.

When they came back home their motor bike, cycle, beds, beddings, were burnt. Doors were damaged, Her water pump, and PKR 20000/- were stolen.

We are thankful to God that he has saved us. We are also grateful for the Muslim lady who has saved our life.

Churches Outside & Inside

Christian Houses Outside & Inside

Your People Need your Help

We request you to remember Christian people of Pakistan. Especially pray for Christians of Jaranwala who are greatly suffering from persecution. Their churches, homes, and business places have been burnt and vandalized. They need char-pai-bistray (bedding traditional beds), food, water cans, clothes, gas cylinders, and financial assistance for house rents, basic needs and to reestablish their businesses from zero level. They also need Trama Counseling and the to overcome the current circumstances.  May God bless you a lot so you can continue to serve God people wherever they are persecuted. Amen!

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